PARENTS of young musicians:

we feel your pain!

We know from experience in retail that parents often find themselves confused and skeptical about all the gear that gets purchased for a young musician. It seems that there is always something ELSE needed: an amp, a PA system, mics and cables, cases, effects, a bewildering array of equipment. It can make your head swim.

We at Music Supermarket have distilled our over 100 years combined experience in music teaching, retail selling and product design to cut through the confusion, and give you the real story. It's not always good news for your pocketbook, but at least it's the honest truth, not flim-flam tech talk, commission-driven upgrades or pressure to buy the big name brand.

Yes, musical equipment is expensive and it never seems to end, but it also lasts a lifetime if bought smart. And it also provides years of enjoyment, the kind of enjoyment that nothing else offers. Musicians find themselves in a community of musicians, all dreaming of reaching more people with their creative vision or to simply making people happy. Can you think of more worthwhile endeavors?

Well, maybe you can, but remember that the 5% of the population that feels the urge to be musicians FEELS it deep down. A musician is a soulful person, who taps into unseen talents to share his thoughts and to excite an audience. Is your kid really committed? We don't know. You will know by their actions.

Does your kid listen to an AWFUL LOT of music? Does he have to be dragged to the dinner table when he practices an instrument? Does he skip other activities to listen or play music?

You get the idea. No, we cannot say if your child will stick with it. We do know that music gets under your skin and won't go away. It's a gamble, but a worthwhile one. As hobbies go, it's cheaper than a horse. If you end up buying the PA for your kids band, ask the band members sign an informal contract with you promising that they'll stick it out, or pay you back, or you have the right to sell it off. This site is run by honest, professional musicians, businessmen and equipment designers who have done all we can to take the anguish out of buying this stuff.

We created equipment packages to make things easy. If you buy a package from us, there is NOTHING more needed! We offer many packages, from the singer to the acoustic guitarist to the entire band. We explain what it all does and why it's needed. We offer it all at VERY FAIR PRICES. We offer upgrades along with justifications to upgrade.

That's it. Shop around this site. You can e-mail us with questions, we'll give our best advice, that's what we do.

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