We at Music Supermarket are dedicated to providing the best musical gear at the best prices, along with good advice from pros to help you make informed purchases. We start with the assumption that you are NOT WEALTHY, and that you need to buy smart so you won't need to buy again.

CAR AUDIO: We explain the basic needs and the common mistakes. We chose to sell the best values among the most reputable manufacturers. We inform you fully on how to buy in at reasonable prices with gear that is modular or upgradable in the future. Once you're a Car Audio Convert, we're sure you'll be back for more.

MUSICAL EQUIPMENT: We specialize in selling gear to the young bands and the first bands, while providing a pros perspective. We advise you on how to set up and organize your group, how to run rehearsals, how to prepare for success. We sell high quality instruments that will last a lifetime, even when you move up to more expensive gear. Everything we sell has been chosen for it's long-term value to the working musician.

HOME AUDIO: In a confusing world of new features and media, we explain in plain english what all the new stuff does, and why you might be interested in buying it. We chose only solid equipment and we stress efficiency in system design. There is a reason that some tiny speakers sound bigger than monster speakers, we explain it all. We cover home theater, too, which baffles many normal consumers.

FREE INFO: We tell the truth about equipment, and we take the confusion out of highly technical purchases. We spill the beans on some industry practices that are intended to confuse you. Heresy? Maybe so, but we at Music Supermarket know that if we play it honest, you'll be a repeat buyer.

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